Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence Curriculum Outline
Overview/DescriptionLeadership is fundamental in driving quality in an organization. A good leaders actions and words filter down to all organizational levels to create a quality culture. The concepts of organizational leadership are built on a foundation of core business elements. A clear understanding of these elements is key in developing an organizations strategic plan and vision. These core elements include: organizational structure and culture, roles and responsibilities of managers and leaders, change management, motivation and negotiation, and conflict and empowerment. This course explores the concepts of organizational design and leadership challenges. It is aligned with the Quality Management Division of the American Society for Qualitys Certification Handbook and is designed to assist learners as part of their preparation for the ASQ Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence certification exam.
Target AudienceCorporate directors of quality, quality managers, and executives involved with quality at the organizational or departmental level within an organization; quality consultants and candidates preparing to take the ASQ exam
Expected Duration (hours)2.5
Lesson Objectives Leadership
Recognize key concepts of organizational design in practice Match the organizational structures to descriptions Recognize how culture can be exhibited in an organization Match the five steps on Jurans road to total quality management with descriptions Identify requirements for quality managers in leadership roles Match leadership styles to the appropriate follower readiness levels Recognize examples of management functions Recognize competencies required by managers Identify the techniques used by individuals acting as change agents Recognize how to overcome common organizational roadblocks to change Match theories of motivation and influence to their key concepts Recognize methods used to resolve conflict Identify techniques for empowering individuals and teams Course Number:
oper_04_a01_bs_enus <
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Team Dynamics
Effective development of teams improves the organizations quality and productivity. Team development encompasses team establishment, assignment of roles and responsibilities, and performance evaluation. Dynamic team goals and objectives must align with the organizations vision and mission. This course explores team building and team dynamics. It is aligned with the Quality Management Division of the American Society for Qualitys Certification Handbook and is designed to assist learners as part of their preparation for the ASQ Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence certification exam.
Target Audience
Corporate directors of quality; quality managers and executives involved with quality at the organizational or departmental level within an organization; quality consultants and candidates preparing to take the ASQ exam
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives Team Dynamics
Recognize when to use different types of teams Identify descriptions of the classic phases of team development Recognize basic team-building activities Distinguish among typical team roles in a scenario Recognize techniques for handling group dynamics Recognize methods used to evaluate teams Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic rewards Course Number:
oper_04_a02_bs_enus <
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Developing and Deploying Strategic Plans
Successful organizations are founded on effectively developing and deploying strategic plans. Organizations must identify their primary goals and objectives based on their mission and vision statements. Other success factors include understanding market forces, internal strengths and weaknesses, stakeholders, relevant technology, and legal and regulatory factors. With these considerations, an organizations action plan can be developed and deployed, and its effectiveness evaluated. This course explores the concepts of strategic planning models, business environmental analysis, and strategic plan deployment. It is aligned with the Quality Management Division of the American Society for Quality’s Certification Handbook, and is designed to assist learners in preparation for the ASQ Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence certification exam.
Target Audience
Corporate directors of quality, quality managers, and executives involved with quality at the organizational or departmental level within an organization; quality consultants and candidates preparing to take the ASQ exam
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives Developing and Deploying Strategic Plans
Identify the characteristics of a traditional strategic planning approach Recognize examples of the steps in the Hoshin planning model Identify what scenario planning is used for Identify descriptions of tools used to measure success against strategic goals Recognize questions that should be asked at the various stages of SWOT analysis Identify Porters five forces that drive industry profitability Identify some of the strategic implications of technology Identify legal and regulatory factors affecting organizations Sequence the steps in a stakeholder analysis framework Recognize internal capability factors that should be considered in strategic planning Recognize the elements of an effective action plan Identify the characteristics of tactics Recognize examples of the main activities involved in successful resource allocation Match each method of measuring performance to a description Match key quality concepts to examples Course Number:
oper_04_a03_bs_enus <
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Managerial Skills and Abilities
Quality management is an important factor in the success of todays organizations. Leading organizational thinkers have gone to the extent of saying that quality in an organization is determined by the quality of its management. In order to bring quality and excellence to an organization, managers need certain skills, tools, and abilities in all their functions. These skills and abilities relate to their understanding of management principles and theories, key organizational functions, and their mutual interrelationships. This course explores basic principles of management, management theories, styles and tools, and interdependence of functional areas in an organization. It identifies tools and techniques used by the HR, Finance, Risk, and Knowledge management functions in an organization. It is aligned with the Quality Management Division of the American Society for Qualitys Certification Handbook and is designed to assist learners as part of their preparation for the ASQ Certified Manager of Quality / Organizational Excellence certification exam.
Target Audience
Corporate directors of quality, quality managers and executives involved with quality at the organizational or departmental level within an organization; quality consultants and candidates preparing to take the ASQ exam
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives Managerial Skills and Abilities
Match the basic principles of management to examples Match management theories to their descriptions Recognize the factors that influence management style Match management styles to examples Match tools used by managers to their descriptions Identify the advantages and caveats of systems thinking Recognize HR management activities used in staffing Recognize examples of professional development and recognition techniques Distinguish between basic types of financial statements Match the basic types of budgets to their descriptions Match examples to the tools and techniques used for assessing and managing risks in an organization Match the tactics used to assess the probability and impact of loss to their examples Match areas of knowledge management in an organization to their descriptions Identify typical organizational barriers to implementing knowledge management techniques Course Number:
oper_04_a04_bs_enus <
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Communication Skills and Project Management
An essential element of management is the ability to effectively communicate with people. The capacity to successfully communicate in todays global economy is a pivotal element to the success of any organization. Managers need to be aware of emerging technologies and how these affect international communication. To meet an improvement projects specified goals and objectives, a manager must also effectively plan, estimate, and monitor the progress of the project and know what tools to apply. This course explores how communication takes place, and presents techniques and strategies for enhancing communication. It also examines how various project management tools can be used to analyze project risk, feasibility, and priority. The course is aligned with the Quality Management Division of the American Society for Qualitys Certification Handbook, and is designed to assist learners as part of their preparation for the ASQ Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence certification exam.
Target Audience
Corporate directors of quality, quality managers and executives involved with quality at the organizational or departmental level within an organization; quality consultants and candidates preparing to take the ASQ exam
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives Communication Skills and Project Management
Recognize interpersonal skills and techniques that the effective communicator may use Identify the types of nonverbal communication that help you win the trust of others Identify barriers to effective communication Recognize how to overcome barriers to communication in a global environment Recognize appropriate communication technology formats used to deliver different kinds of messages Prioritize a project using benefit-cost analysis formulas Identify why the work breakdown structure (WBS) is the most important element of project planning Identify the advantages and disadvantages of using Gantt charts Distinguish between the critical path method (CPM) and the program evaluation and review technique (PERT) Recognize examples of critical performance measures of an ongoing project Sequence examples of the steps involved in the management of risk Match the major project management documents with descriptions Course Number:
oper_04_a05_bs_enus <
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Quality Systems, Models, and Theories
The implementation of an effective quality system is a vital component of the success of any organization. Personnel at all levels in an organization must be aware of the quality mission, plan, and methodology it employs. A quality mission and plan that is well developed and properly implemented must be aligned to the corporate mission and vision statements and the strategic plan in order to be effective. As an organization evolves, its quality plan must be monitored and revised in order to reflect these changes. This course explores the quality mission, plan, and methodologies and discusses the importance of effective monitoring, documentation, and implementation. It examines various quality models and theories used in corporations today. This course is aligned with the Quality Management Division of the American Society for Qualitys Certification Handbook, and is designed to assist learners as part of their preparation for the ASQ Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence certification exam.
Target Audience
Corporate directors of quality, quality managers and executives involved with quality at the organizational or departmental level within an organization, as well as quality consultants and candidates preparing to take the ASQ exam
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives Quality Systems, Models, and Theories
Sequence the succession of activities involved in developing a quality mission Identify what a quality plan should define Recognize examples of the roles involved in deploying a quality plan Recognize examples of metrics supported by the balanced scorecard Recognize examples of tools managers can use to review the effectiveness of their quality systems Identify the MBNQA criteria categories for performance excellence Match ISO 9000 series quality principles to examples Identify the benefits of ISO 9001 registration and implementation Identify the key elements required for effective TQM Identify the characteristics of kaizen Recognize examples of the steps involved in the benchmarking process Identify what is emphasized in the Six Sigma methodology Match quality theorists to their quality philosophies Course Number:
oper_04_a06_bs_enus <
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Problem-Solving and Process Management Tools
Albert Einstein is reputed to have said, The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. To solve quality and process-related problems, managers should continuously enhance their knowledge of organizational processes and quality management tools. These tools help managers find root causes of problems, an important step toward removing them. Success in ensuring quality and organizational excellence depends on how effectively managers apply these tools to solve quality and process-related problems. This course explores basic problem-solving and process management tools used for identifying, analyzing, and solving quality and process-related problems. The course is aligned with the Quality Management Division of the American Society for Qualitys Certification Handbook, and is designed to assist learners as part of their preparation for the ASQ Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence certification exam.
Target Audience
Corporate directors of quality, quality managers and executives involved with quality at the organizational or departmental level within an organization; quality consultants and candidates preparing to take the ASQ exam
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives Problem-Solving and Process Management Tools
Match various quality tools with their descriptions Identify key concepts about basic management and planning tools Match various process management tools with their descriptions Identify innovation and creativity tools used for solving quality and process problems Recognize examples of quality costs in a given scenario Identify how process goals are established and monitored and measured Sequence the steps in process mapping Match process documentation tools with their descriptions Match Lean techniques for waste reduction, quality, and process flow to descriptions Identify the principles of Goldratts Theory of Constraints Course Number:
oper_04_a07_bs_enus <
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Measurement: Assessment and Metrics
Were you ever in a situation where you started a new project and werent sure of its effectiveness? Is your new process trending toward success or failure? These are questions that should be on the mind of every manager. An effective manager is continuously gathering, monitoring, and analyzing information as it relates to organizational performance. This course explores data analysis techniques used to detect trends of projects and processes. It describes key concepts in statistical analysis and explains how data-gathering affects the people in an organization and vice versa. It is aligned with the Quality Management Division of the American Society for Qualitys Certification Handbook and is designed to assist learners as part of their preparation for the ASQ Certified Manager of Quality / Organizational Excellence certification exam.
Target Audience
Corporate directors of quality, quality managers and executives involved with quality at the organizational or departmental level within an organization, as well as quality consultants and candidates preparing to take the ASQ exam
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives Measurement: Assessment and Metrics
Match the three levels in the GQM measurement model to examples Identify reasons for not using sampling to acquire data Match the sampling types to the situations in which they should be used Match key concepts of statistical analysis to descriptions Match the three methods used to estimate reliability to their descriptions Match the four main components of validity to their descriptions Recognize situations when it is appropriate to use long-range or short-range trend analysis Distinguish between common and special causes in variation Identify key concepts involved in dealing with common cause and special cause variation Recognize the capability of a process in terms of Cp and Cpk indices Differentiate between subjective and objective measures Recognize whats involved in analyzing and using survey results Course Number:
oper_04_a08_bs_enus <
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Customer-Focused Management
Sam Walton, founder of Wal-Mart, is reputed to have said, There is only one boss – the customer. And he can fire everybody in the company – from the chairman on down – simply by spending his money somewhere else. Effective quality management processes focus on the customer. In todays global marketplace, customers have more choices than ever before. To achieve success, it is vital for enterprises to accurately identify the wants, needs, and expectations of their customers. This course explores the relationship between the treatment of internal customers and the impact on external customers. It examines techniques used to identify and segment external customers, while anticipating customer priorities, needs, and expectations. Strategies for incorporating customer service principles are also analyzed. It is aligned with the Quality Management Division of the American Society for Qualitys Certification Handbook and is designed to assist learners as part of their preparation for the ASQ Certified Manager of Quality / Organizational Excellence certification exam.
Target Audience
Corporate directors of quality, quality managers and executives involved with quality at the organizational or departmental level within an organization, as well as quality consultants and candidates preparing to take the ASQ exam
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives Customer-Focused Management
Identify key concepts in the customer-supplier value chain Identify a definition of quality level agreement (QLA) Identify ways to energize internal customers Sequence the steps in a process for working with external customers Recognize examples of segmentation variables Identify best practices in customer identification and segmentation Identify the advantages and disadvantages of using surveys, interviews, and focus groups to capture the voice of the customer Identify the steps involved in the QFD approach to capturing and translating customer requirements Identify the characteristics of an effective complaint-handling system Identify the steps involved in customer value analysis Identify steps for improving customers perceptions of quality customer service Recognize examples of the core principles of good customer service Identify how to manage multiple customers Identify the ways of dealing with conflicting customer requirements and demands Course Number:
oper_04_a09_bs_enus <
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Supply Chain Management
At what level are your suppliers performing? Are the relationships with your suppliers benefiting the organization? A quality-centered relationship with a supplier can play a vital role in the success of organizations, providing a competitive advantage in todays aggressive global marketplace. Without sound performance measurement and communication strategies, the relationship between you and your supplier can quickly deteriorate. This course explores many aspects of the organization-supplier relationship, including supplier selection and communication strategies. The course also examines approaches to measuring supplier performance as a basis for improvement. It also looks at the importance of certification, partnerships, and alliances as they relate to the supplier relationship. It is aligned with the Quality Management Division of the American Society for Qualitys Certification Handbook and is designed to assist learners as part of their preparation for the ASQ Certified Manager of Quality / Organizational Excellence certification exam.
Target Audience
Corporate directors of quality, quality managers and executives involved with quality at the organizational or departmental level within an organization, as well as quality consultants and candidates preparing to take the ASQ exam
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives Supply Chain Management
Identify examples of the actions involved in selecting suppliers Recognize examples of rating categories commonly used to assess suppliers Identify procedures for dealing with supplier communications Identify how to ensure supplier compliance with organizational requirements Match common measures of supplier performance with their associated metrics Identify common measures of supplier performance Identify factors involved in assessing the frequency of measuring supplier performance Identify the objectives of supplier audits Sequence steps in the evaluation of a corrective action plan for a supplier Sequence the steps in the supplier certification process Recognize the key concepts involved in process reviews and performance evaluations Sequence steps in developing customer-supplier partnerships and alliances Recognize the key concepts of ship-to-stock and just-in-time programs Course Number:
oper_04_a10_bs_enus <
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Training and Development
The most valued resource of any organization is its people. In todays corporate landscape of technological advancement, employees must be trained to align with the strategic direction of the business. Managers of quality should know that improvements in workplace productivity contribute positively to the overall well-being of the organization. This course explores the importance of investing in human capital as a means of attaining strategic objectives. It delves into all aspects of corporate training, including the front-end needs analysis, and identifying effective design and development strategies. It also examines various ways to deliver training, and provides insight on how to accurately evaluate the impact training programs have on a companys bottom line. It is aligned with the Quality Management Division of the American Society for Qualitys Certification Handbook and is designed to assist learners as part of their preparation for the ASQ Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence certification exam.
Target Audience
Corporate directors of quality, quality managers and executives involved with quality at the organizational or departmental level within an organization, as well as quality consultants and candidates preparing to take the ASQ exam
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives Training and Development
Recognize problems that may arise in the absence of top-level management support of quality training Identify the elements of an effective training plan Recognize the benefits of training needs analysis Recognize the phases and progression of a needs analysis Match each phase in the ADDIE model with an example Identify the characteristics of the adult learner Identify where differences need to be accommodated in the workforce when delivering training Recognize when to use traditional methods of delivering training Recognize when to use technology-based, blended learning, or on-the-job methods of training Match Kirkpatricks four levels of evaluation to descriptions Determine whether a training effort was a good return on investment Course Number:
oper_04_a11_bs_enus <
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1yr license: $187.00 per course
*Contact a Training Advisor for Discounted Student and Corporate pricing*
Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence
Certification (CMQ-OE)
The Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence (CMQ-OE) certification is one of the
most prestigious management training certifications to acquire. This highly desired certification, by individuals and
businesses alike, demonstrates a manager’s ability to ensure the highest quality of products/services within an organization.
A Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence (CMQ-OE) validates a professional who can lead process-improvement
projects into excellence. With CBT Direct’s management training for CMQ-OE, you will acquire the skills you need to be CMQ-OE
certified, such as motivate and properly evaluate staff, manage projects, analyze financial circumstances and employ management
techniques in resolving executive challenges.
Benefits of CBT Direct’s Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence Certification (CMQ-OE)
CBT Direct boasts the most beneficial online management training for CMQ-OE certification on the market. With online
training, you have the flexibility to study on your schedule, and with the speed and reliability of the internet,
CBT Direct’s management training course is accessible anywhere you have an internet connection. Convenience finally
costs less with CBT Direct – the most affordable online training solution today.
The unique design of CBT Direct’s management training course for CMQ-OE certification emphasizes learner initiative,
self-management and experiential learning. CBT Direct’s online course design begins with the definition of user-focused
performance objectives and then proceeds to the selection and implementation of instructional strategies and learning
activities appropriate for those objectives. This effective instruction model for CBT Direct’s management training
course ensures the greatest level of comprehension and retention to prepare you for your Manager of Quality/Organizational
Excellence (CMQ-OE) certification exam.
Who Benefits from CBT Direct’s Management Training
for Quality/Organizational Excellence (CMQ-OE)?
Corporate directors of quality, Quality Managers and Executives involved with quality at the organizational or departmental
level within an organization; Quality Consultants and candidates preparing to take the ASQ exam.
What Professionals Will Learn from CBT Direct’s Management
Training for Quality/Organizational Excellence (CMQ-OE)
You’ll learn key concepts of organizational design, your roles and responsibilities as a leader and how to sustain enthusiasm,
resolve conflict and empower your entire staff. In this management training online course, you’ll also learn how to build an
effective training plan, a progressive needs analysis and how to determine whether your training effort was a good
return-on-investment (ROI).
To prepare you for the Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence (CMQ-OE) exam, you’ll learn how to plan,
deploy and document a quality system as well as how to follow the Baldrige National Quality Award criteria for performance
excellence. Study the Six Sigma methodology and match quality theorists to their quality philosophies.
Click here to see a detailed curriculum outline.
Learn everything from basic management and planning tools to process management and creativity tools. With CBT Direct’s
management training for the CMQ-OE exam, you’ll also become proficient in statistical analysis, trend and pattern analysis
and be able to recognize situations that are appropriate to use long-range or short-range trend analysis.
Get to know your customer by learning how to identify and categorize them as well as how to capture their voice with surveys,
interviews and focus groups. Discover the right way to handle multiple customers’ complaints, especially when they have conflicting
demands and requirements.
With CBT Direct’s Management Training for Quality/Organizational Excellence (CMQ-OE), you’ll also learn how to analyze the
differences between qualitative and quantitative measures and ensure supplier compliance and partnership.
Click on the link(s) to view curriculum outline.
Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence